Doug Herbst was born in 1943 into a middle-class family in the midwestern United States. One of eight children, Doug worked hard as a young man while at home and still in school. He excelled academically and as an athlete and was thoroughly committed to being a non-smoker. But shortly after graduating from high school Doug smoked his first cigarette and very quickly fell into “the trap.” By the end of his first year of college, Doug had become a chain smoker. As he tells it, “I smoked at least three packs a day and sometimes as many as five.” Doug went on to say, “I was one of the thousands of unfortunate people who fell for the deception perpetrated by the tobacco companies, the brainwashing, and all of the myths and illusions associated with smoking.”

During the last 20 years of his 43-year smoking career, Doug tried desperately to stop smoking but failed time and again. As Doug has said many times, “We stop every time we put out a cigarette. That’s the easy part. It is staying stopped --actually quitting for good -- that is so difficult and seemingly impossible for so many of us. As soon as I understood the fallacy behind every reason I had to smoke, quitting became painless, effortless and one of the most enjoyable things I have ever done.”

Doug founded the first Doug Herbst’s PAINLESS WAY to Stop Smoking center in Newport Beach, California, and has taught scores of people how to become happy non-smokers. He established the clinic because of the growing number of smokers who sought out his help. Doug left a successful product development and marketing career and has since dedicated all of his working time to teaching smokers how to quit smoking painlessly and never smoke again using this simple, drug-free approach. He is truly on a mission. As one of his latest non-smokers observed recently, “No one enjoys his work more than Doug and he takes your success very personally.”

Doug is exceedingly passionate about his work with PAINLESS WAY and works diligently to ensure that each client succeeds in becoming a non-smoker. That being said, he still strives to be very approachable and encourages you to call toll-free at 1-888-981-3438 and talk with him personally. Voice your concerns and questions freely, with positively no pressure to commit. Call Doug now at 1-888-981-3438 and -- if necessary -- leave a message that clearly states your first name, area code and phone number. With the sincerity of your desire to become a non-smoker readily apparent, Doug places a sense of urgency on your goal and will make every effort to call you back the very same day.